Donna is a very excellent source for African American Genealogy Research.
The records below are on microfilm with family search and are available below on Bastardy Bonds in many counties of North Carolina. Another way of finding and bridging the gap between our ancestors.
Donna Messer posted in Wilkes County, N.C. genealogy. |
NC BASTARDY BONDS – Last but not least! I have found these the most helpful of the microfilms at the State Archives. I’m probably not alone in having some dead ends on my branches because of illegitimate births. Don’t stop with the first entry you find about your relative. There are usually several pages about each illegitimate child and sometimes the name or birth date will appear in one of the documents. I got so much beneficial information from these microfilms and maybe you will find something new too. (Scroll down to county and date you want and click on camera icon.) |