• Black Family Genealogy And History Society | Phoenix Arizona


Posted By: Kelly Jeryse Comments Off on THE ADVANCED RESEARCH WORKSHOP


Black Family Genealogy and History Society

Virtual Session Online 7:00 PM



In this workshop each participant will share, in a discussion format, the knowledge, resources, and techniques they are using for each topic to advance their studies and/or solve difficult research questions.




January 12, 2023 Advanced County Research Techniques. (Example: Finding rare document            collections, in-person or online, and courthouse research)


February 9, 2023 Advanced State Archive Research Techniques. (Are you familiar with the holdings at your research State Archive?, Do you have a contact person?)


March 9, 2023 – Advanced Census Record Techniques. (Includes non-population census

records, FAN club and community research) Keeping track using charts and timelines.


April- 13, 2023 – DNA skills (Endogamy, pedigree collapse), charts, books, and techniques.


May 11, 2023 Research Techniques for Large and Small Repositories. (Example: Special collections) Share your skills of how you research before you approach each repository.


June 8, 2023Large and Small Plantation Research Techniques. (Challenges and complexities, the name game)


July 13,2023 Military and Pension Records. Finding aids, Books on regiment engagements, finding the laws associated with these records.


August 10,2023Freedmen’s Bureau/Freedman’s Bank records. Prior research is essential.


September 14,2023 Deeds, Homesteads, Bounty, Patents, Warrants and/or Probate Records.


October 12,2023 United States Federal, State, and local laws. International Law.


November 9, 2023Advanced Map Usage and Techniques. (Using maps with your documents help to tell the story)


December 14, 2023 Historical Migration Patterns. (History, Stories, Maps, Railroad Research, etc.)



Ò2023 Rosalind Matthews – Family Historian – rozmatthews@gmail.com